What is the normal frequency for the maintenance on a heavy truck?

Maintenance of a heavy-duty truck is essential, if you want to extend its working life, ensure its drivers safety and avoid mechanical troubles. Find out what regular maintenance entails and how often it should be performed.

When should a heavy-duty truck be maintained?

General maintenance of a heavy truck should be performed, at a minimum, every six months. The mechanical inspection must be performed on a mandatory annual basis. The purpose is to avoid and remedy possible mechanical, technical or electronic problems.

It involves all types of interventions necessary to keep the heavy truck in good working order. These guidelines apply to heavy trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 4,500 kg or more. Shunting trucks, which are used to move trailers around loading docks and staging yards, are also included in this group.

The owner of the heavy vehicle has the option of doing this maintenance themselves or having it done by a truck mechanic of his or her choice. However, the owner must make sure that the operations will be handled properly and according to set rules.

What are the steps in a preventive maintenance program?

The heavy-duty maintenance mechanic must perform a general inspection of the vehicle and make lubrications, adjustments or changes when necessary.

Fluid checks and tire inspections are two essential steps in the preventive maintenance of a heavy vehicle. Wheel balancing, brake pads and discs, filtration system and air conditioning must also be checked.

  • Fluid testing

An inspection of the fluids (brake and cooling fluids, oil, motor, transmission lubricant) of a heavy vehicle ensures the optimal functioning of its mechanisms. The mechanic must use maintenance products designed for this maintenance.

This check ensures the protection of the vehicle and better control of fuel consumption.

  • The tire inspection

To limit the risk of accidents and punctures, heavy truck tires must always be in perfect condition. They ensure good road holding and help save fuel.

The fasteners

The fasteners, sidewall and valve of each tire should be part of this check; as should the suspension system, springs and shocks. As for tire wear, the Act requires a tread depth of more than one millimeter.

As for the oil change

As for the oil change, it is advisable to perform this operation every 80,000 to 100,000 kilometers – depending on the quality of the oil used. Mileage, environment and type of climate can also influence the frequency of oil changes.

In a dry, dusty area, for example, particles tend to collect in the truck’s air filter. These can then find their way into the engine, affecting the quality and purity of the lubricant.

Note: A heavy-duty truck owner can submit his preventive maintenance program (PMP) to the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ), which ensures that the vehicle is perfectly safe.

Once their program is accepted by the SAAQ, the owner no longer has to submit their vehicle for mandatory inspection. The vignette he has obtained (which he must place in plain view on his vehicle) is proof of his truck’s compliance and safety. This does not relieve him of the obligation to ensure its proper operation through regular maintenance.

What are the benefits of properly maintaining a heavy truck?

Preventive maintenance of a heavy truck optimizes the durability and uptime of the vehicle, resulting in substantial savings. Indeed, prolonged stops, risks of breakdowns as well as delivery delays are unforeseen expenses that you want to avoid. Not to mention the costs associated with the breakdown, repair and operation of a heavy transport vehicle.

A well-maintained truck ensures the safety of the driver and of the goods he transports!

L’entretien extérieur, un aspect à ne pas négliger

Idéalement, un lavage extérieur toutes les semaines permet non seulement de préserver l’apparence du camion lourd, mais contribue à freiner le développement de la corrosion et de la rouille. Il faut savoir que de la poussière et des salissures accumulées sur le pare-brise et les phares peuvent constituer un facteur d’accident.

Il est important de toujours choisir des produits de nettoyage de qualité. Chaque équipement et accessoire utilisé dans le contexte du lavage de ce type de véhicule doit faire en sorte d’éviter de détériorer la peinture extérieure.

Aussi, il est recommandé de faire appel à des professionnels, Ressorts Industriels Inc. / Centre de Camion C.T. CAM Inc. pour faire réaliser cette opération.